MJ and Kamal had a beautiful litter of two tiny, little, cuddly fawn colored puppies on Friday. Oh, how much we love little baby puppies! We are shocked, every single time we have a litter, just how teensy and tiny they are when they are born. No matter now many litters we have, it never ceases to amaze us. It doesn't seem possible that a little puppy that small could grow into a beautiful, happy, adorable Frenchie one day. But somehow, it happens every time.
MJ recovered extremely well. She is still getting plenty of rest and quiet, but she is definitely almost back to her normal self.
And guys, we have to tell you, MJ is the best mom in the entire world. She isn't a dog mom. She's like an actual mom. All day long, she loves on her pups, makes sure they're eating, and makes certain that they're nice and warm. Whenever we take one of her babies out to weigh them, she whines and paces until we give her baby back to her. Even when we let her outside to take a break and walk around, she wants to come back in as soon as she can, and immediately rushes back to her pups. Oh MJ, we love you so much.
And her little pups are getting along wonderfully. They're healthy, eating well, and steadily gaining weight. These are all the things you want when you have a brand new litter of puppies. We still get up in the night to check on them and make sure that they are still eating and no one has gotten excluded. But they are all doing extremely well. Isn't that wonderful news?
We'll just leave you with a few pictures we took of them a few days ago. Because who doesn't love to end their day with a few puppy pictures?
